Saturday, September 7, 2024

: Registered Adventurer


A very strange and powerful Warrior from the mysterious woods. He constantly looks for battle. He has won many battles by going berzerk. He is so strange that you would think that he is immune to every power a monster has...or has them himself!
Level: 1
Physical Strength: 1
Magical Strength: 1

Chalice Finds: 3
Wins: 6313
Losses: 1906
Decapitations: 1094
Savage Decapitations: 3626
Debacles: 280
Savage Debacles: 292
Immortal Soul Mastery

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Source of Text,images,code (c) 2001-2005
A Game by Bill Ainsworth. Unauthorized reproduction or inlining of images prohibited.
Game Graphics by Howard Oliver. Game Arch. by James Bright. Game Logic by Bill Ainsworth. is not responsible for forum content posted
to this website. For use by adults over the age of 18. Privacy Statement, Terms of Use.