Tuesday, February 4, 2025

Privacy Statement

Personal information gathered about SourceofMagic.org users is gathered solely for market research purposes - SourceofMagic.org uses it to learn about the audience it serves. SourceofMagic.org will never sell or reveal personal information about users to 3rd parties w/o prior consent from users. Signing up for the service is not an expression of consent: should SourceofMagic.org ever desire to reveal personal data about its users (which is extremely unlikely), those users affected will be contacted prior to any transaction involving their information. In the event that SourceofMagic.org were ever sold to a 3rd party user data would still be governed by this policy.
SourceofMagic.org may report or sell aggregate information to 3rd parties such as avg gaming dollars spent per month, etc. But this aggregate information will not reveal information about any individual user.
SourceofMagic.org will make every reasonable attempt to follow industry standard guidelines to ensure the integrity and security of user data.
Source of Magic.org Text,images,code (c) 2001-2005
A Game by Bill Ainsworth. Unauthorized reproduction or inlining of images prohibited.
Game Graphics by Howard Oliver. Game Arch. by James Bright. Game Logic by Bill Ainsworth.
SourceOfMagic.org is not responsible for forum content posted
to this website. For use by adults over the age of 18. Privacy Statement, Terms of Use.