Saturday, September 7, 2024


Dorion was once a homeless wafe intioll master Yosho came and taught him the art of magery, and now Dorion is a wizard on a quest to master all the dungeon realms and to become a master magicer.
Level: 1
Physical Strength: 1
Magical Strength: 1

Chalice Finds: 0
Wins: 26
Losses: 25
Decapitations: 4
Savage Decapitations: 9
Debacles: 5
Savage Debacles: 8

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Source of Text,images,code (c) 2001-2005
A Game by Bill Ainsworth. Unauthorized reproduction or inlining of images prohibited.
Game Graphics by Howard Oliver. Game Arch. by James Bright. Game Logic by Bill Ainsworth. is not responsible for forum content posted
to this website. For use by adults over the age of 18. Privacy Statement, Terms of Use.